Can you do Hajj and Umrah together?

As we know, Hajj and Umrah are sacred journeys to Mecca, which are performed by Muslims from all over the world. These holy pilgrimages are the same and different in many ways. Muslims can perform Umrah at any time of the year, while Hajj has a specific time. In this case, read this topic for more information: “Can you do Hajj and Umrah together?” This article will help you find the correct answer to this question.

Hajj is the annual Islamic pilgrimage that is considered one of the five pillars of Islam. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) established the rituals of this religious obligation. While Umrah is the holy journey to Mecca that can be undertaken throughout the year. It is also known as a minor pilgrimage.

Pilgrims can perform Hajj and Umrah together with only one intention and Ihram. This type of pilgrimage is called Hajj Qiran.

Note: Muslims first have to know about Hajj and Umrah then book their Hajj and Umrah Packages 2024 all inclusive. 

Performing Umrah and Hajj together

According to Sharia, it is permissible for pilgrims to do Umrah and Hajj together with only one Niyyah and Ihram. The name of this kind of spiritual trip is Hajj Qiran.

Hajj Qiran combines Hajj with Umrah with a single intention and Ihram. A pilgrim who performs this journey is called a Qarin. This type of pilgrimage is inaccessible to people who live in Mecca.

The following steps to undertake this religious obligation are the following:

·       Enter into Ihram at the Miqat to undertake both Umrah and Hajj.

·       You should travel to Mecca to begin the Umrah rituals.

·       After reaching Mecca, perform Tawaf Qudoom.

·       Offer two rakats of Salah at Maqam Ibrahim and drink Zamzam water.

·       Sa’i can be performed immediately after Tawaf, or it can be postponed till after Tawaf Ifadah. It is acceptable to delay Sa’i.

·       The performance of these rituals will qualify as your Umrah.

·       A pilgrim should not perform Halq or Taqsir. Between Umrah and Hajj, he should maintain Ihram and only renounce it on the Day of Sacrifice.

·       You will go to Mina, Arafat, and Muzdalifah to fulfil the Hajj rituals and duties.

·       An animal sacrifice is obligatory for Hajj Qiran. Sacrificial animals are available in Mina.


Performing Hajj and Umrah in the same year

It is permissible for anyone who completes Umrah in a year to make Hajj in the same year if he can. There is not any difference among scholars regarding this matter. Additionally, a Muslim must perform Hajj as soon as is economically sustainable, without holding off, because it is a requirement that must be quickly performed. Many scholars hold this point of view. Pilgrims can perform Umrah during the days of Hajj by undertaking Hajj Tamattu. In this type of pilgrimage, a pilgrim will take the intention and Ihram for Umrah and Hajj separately.


Rituals in Hajj and Umrah

The rites of Umrah are the following:

  • ·       Ihram
  • ·       Tawaf
  • ·       Sa’i
  • ·       Halq or Taqsir


The rituals of Hajj are the following

  •        Ihram
  •        Tawaf Qudoom
  •        Sa’i
  •        Resting and praying
  •        Again enter into Ihram
  •        Arriving at Mina
  •        Day of Arafah
  •        Muzdalifah
  •        First Rami (Stoning of the devil)
  •        Sacrifice
  •        Shaving the head (Halq)
  •        Tawaf Ziyarah
  •        Sa’i
  •        Second Rami
  •        Spending the night at Mina
  •        Third Rami
  •        Farewell Tawaf



Muslims from all over the world travel to Mecca for the holy pilgrimages known as Hajj and Umrah. These sacred journeys are the same and different in numerous manners. Unlike the Hajj, which has a specific time, Muslims can do Umrah at any time of the year by taking Umrah Packages all inclusive.

According to Sharia, pilgrims can perform Umrah and Hajj together with a single intention and Ihram through Hajj Qiran.   


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