How Did The Holy Prophet Acquire Land For Masjid Nabawi?

No doubt, Masjid Nabawi is one of the sacred places on earth after Makkah for every Muslim. Many Hajj and Umrah pilgrims go to Saudi Arabia every year. You can also avail of Umrah package 2023 to explore this holy site. Here is a historical background of Masjid Nabawi is mentioned. Masjid Nabawi is the core of Madinah. At the point when the mosque was first settled by the Prophet (P.B.U.H.), it was substantially more than a spot where prayers were performed five times each day. Migration to Madinah After numerous long times of abuse on account of the Meccans, in the year 1 A.H. (622 CE), the Muslim people group started their movement to Madinah, which was recently known as Yathrib. The two most unmistakable Medinan clans, the Banu Aws and Banu Khazraj joined in their help of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and respected the voyager Muslims, known as the Muhajirun (The Emigrants), with great joy. The Muslim occupants of Madinah came to be known as the Ansar (T...