Why Hajj Is Important For Muslims?

Approximately, 1.3 million Muslims from 164 countries perform Hajj pilgrimage every year. Nobody knows that what inspires millions of people across various continents to come together and worship. The answer to this question is that it is a passion for God that grips millions of hearts.

Actually, Islamic building stands upon the five pillars and every pillar is essential for all Muslims Whether they are men or women and Hajj is one of five pillars of Islam but it is only prescribed for those Muslims who have the capability to perform it physically and financially. It is performed in the final month of the lunar calendar. The duration is of this worship continuous for five days of Dhul Hijjah. In this worship, pilgrims celebrate Eid Al-Adha which is also called the festival of scarification (halal animals).

Allah says in the Holy Quran:

It is on people for the sake of Allah to perform Hajj of his house, anyone who is able to undertake the voyage to him. (2: 196)

There are described two hadiths regarding why Hajj is so important for Muslims.

1st Hadith:

Nothing compares with the accepted Hajj and it has no reward other than paradise.

2nd Hadith:

A person who performs Hajj purifies himself from sins like the day that he was born.

So Hajj is a very important part for every Muslims and each of them wants to perform it at least one time in life. Nowadays, the performing of Hajj is a little bit difficult due to the increase in the rate of everything. There is the best solution for this problem that is 5 star Hajj Packages UK and these packages are available on every travel agency.

Hajj is important because in this worship Muslims visit the Holy Kaaba and it is a very sacred place in the world.  According to Islamic traditions, the building of Kaaba was built by Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and his son Prophet Ismail (AS). Muslims around the world offer their five daily prayers and nafls in direction of Kaaba.

Hajj is an opportunity to clean the slate of one’s mistakes and shortcoming of the past. 

Muhammad (PBUH) said:

One who comes to this House (Kaaba) for Hajj and avoids all lewdness & sins, he returns as he was on the day his mother gave birth to him.” (Muslims and Bukhari). 

Hajj rituals vanished all distinctions between people who belong to different nations. The first ritual is Ihram which consists of two unsewn white sheets (for men) and this dress shows that the rights of everyone are equal. In different rituals of Hajj, Millions of Muslims pass 5 days together which is a great example of brotherhood in the world. During Hajj journey Muslims visit the two main mosques Masjid Haram and Masjid e Nabvi. The reward of offering prayer in two mosques are not compared to any place in the world.

Some of us has missed the chance of performing Hajj this year, therefore, the best option for us is to start the plan of Hajj journey next year, so that, we should never miss this chance again.  We should only search for the best travel agencies which are arranging Hajj journey and these agencies are also available in the United Kingdom, so that, we can easily find the Cheapest Hajj Package London.


  1. your article was really informative and meaningful.
    Arslan Hussain

  2. This piece of information is extremely valuable for Muslims who dont know why Hajj is important in Islam. You article totally makes sense is very nicely written.

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  3. Hajj truly cleanses the heart and the soul
    May Allah provide everyone a chance to visit his Holy Kaaba

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