Brief History Of Ayesha (RA) | A Short Biography of Hazrat Aisha (RA)

Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) had 11 wives according to Hadiths. They have played important roles in Islam. In the Holy Quran, the wives of Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) are called Ummahat al-Mumimeen which translates in English as the Mother of the Believers.

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The names of the wives of Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) are respectively:

1: Khadijah bint Khuwaylid

2: Sawda bint Zam’a

3: Ayesha bint Abi Bakr

4: Hafsa bint Umar

5: Zainab bint Khuzayma

6: Umm Salama bint Abi Umayyah

7: Zainab bint Jahsh

8: Maymoonah bint al-Haarith

9: Juwayriyah bint Al-Harith

10: Umm Habiba bint Abi Sufyan

11: Safiya bint Huyayy

But we are only discussing here the Hazrat Ayesha (RA) who was 3rd wife of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).

Hazrat Ayesha (RA) was born in the city of Makkah in the year 614CE. She was a born Muslim. She was the daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr Saddiq (RA) who was the best companion and most important supporter of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and her mother was Umm Roman (RA). She was the youngest wife of Muhammad (PBUH). She is a great role model for women nowadays. She was a great scholar of Islam.

Hazrat Ayesha Saddiqa (RA) was married to Muhammad (PBUH) at the age of 9 after the migration from Makkah to Madina.

Before the Marriage:

Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) saw a dream about Ayesha Saddiqa (RA) in which an angel (Gabriel) had presented something to Him (Peace Be Upon Him) wrapped in silk (a type of cloth). Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) asked from the Gabriel (AS) what it is and Gabriel replied Him it is your wife. When Muhammad (PBUH) removed the silk cover, He (PBUH) saw that it was Hazrat Ayesha (RA).

From childhood, Ayesha bint Abi Bakr (RA) displayed signs of intelligence and an eagerness for knowledge-seeking, as shown by the following incident:

One day, Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) had gone to the house of Abu Bakr Saddiq (RA) and He (PBUH) saw that Hazrat Ayesha Saddiqa (RA) was playing with a toy horse (who had wings), The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) asked her about it then she replied him, it was a horse. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that horses did not have wings, Ayesha (RA) replied that Hazrat Suleiman (AS) had horses that were winged.

Imam Az Zuhri said: If Ayesha’s knowledge is compiled and compared to the knowledge of all women, her knowledge will excel theirs.

She (RA) was brave and courageous. She took the part into the Battle of Uhud in which she was carrying water in leather bags on her bag to demolish the thirst of the injured and fighting Muslim soldiers. She also took part in the Battles of Banu Qurayza, Banu Mustaliq, Hudybiya, and the Makkah conquest.

Hazrat Ayesha (RA) saw the angel Gabriel (AS) personally. She saw at one time, the Muhammad (PBUH) was talking to a horse rider. She asked Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), who was the rider?
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said it was Gabriel in the form of a human and that he requested that his greetings be conveyed to her.

Hazrat Ayesha (RA) used to keep herself busy in prayers. There are several times on which verses of the Quran being revealed because of Ayesha (RA). One of them was when Hazrat Ayesha (RA) was maliciously accused of adultery by the hypocrites. Allah Almighty revealed verses 11-21 of Surah an-Nur on her defense.

Hazrat Ayesha Saddiqa (RA) was widowed at the age of 18 or 19. Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) spent the last few days of in Ayesha’s (RA) apartment and died in her lap. Muhammad (PBUH) was buried in her apartment, which is still the only remaining room among the Prophet Muhammad’s (Peace Be Upon Him) household. 

You can see it when you go to perform Umrah and Hajj. According to different opinions, you can easily perform your Umrah if you use Umrah Package All Inclusive.

Hazrat Ayesha (RA) died at the age of 66, on Tuesday 17th of Ramadan, 58 Ah and she was buried in Jannatul Baqi.


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