Brief History of Hazrat Umar (RA)

Hazrat Umar (RA) was a great leader and 2nd Khalifa in Islam after the Hazrat Abu Bakar Sadiq (RA). His life is an ideal example of every generation.

His original name was Umar and his father name was Khattab. He was born in 581 AD in Makah. He belonged to a noble family of Quryash. Faruq was a title of Hazrat Umar (RA) after accepting of Islam. He was a famous businessman. He was the strongest opponent of Islam after the announcement of Islam by Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). It is a very remarkable event in Islamic history when Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA) accept Islam.

When Hazrat Umar was not a Muslim, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) prayed: Allahumma aa-izzal Islam bi ahlil umarain.
“Oh! Allah strength Islam thorough acceptance of Islam by “1” of “2” strong men either by Umar ibn Khattab or Amru ibn Hishaam (Abu Jahel).”

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Imagine an important incident that happened in the time of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). One time, when Muhammad (PBUH) was praying then at this moment Abu Jahal came to him and hit him with his stick. Abu Jahel hurt Muhammad (PBUH). Abu Jahel was a strong leader of Quraysh and uncle of Him. When Hazrat Hamza came to known about this, then he decided to take revenge from Abu Jahel. He went to Abu Jahel and he beat up Abu Jahel. Hazrat Hamza was an also uncle of Muhammad (PBUH).

Abu Jahel was the maternal uncle of Hazrat Umar (RA). Therefore Umar (RA) decided to take revenge from Muhammad (PBUH). He walked out with his sword to kill Muhammad (PBUH). On his way Umar ibn Khattab met Nuyam ibn Abdullah (RA), he saw the Umar (RA) and asked him why you are so angry.

Umar (RA) replied to him that he was going to murder Muhammad (PBUH). Hazrat Nuyam (RA) said you knew that your sister and brother in law have accepted Islamic religion. Hazrat Nuyam (RA) told him to first deal with them. Umar (RA) went to the house where his sister (Umm Jameel, RA.) and brother in law (Saeed bin Zaid, RA.) was living. When He reached at his sister's home there Holy Qur’an was being recited. This made him so angry and furious.

Then He started beating his sister and brother in law. Umar (RA) had calmed down when his sister said we will not change our Islamic religion. Then Hazrat Umar (RA) said recite it for me. After listening to the Quran, he went straight to the Prophet (PBUH) and accepted Islam.


Hazrat Abu-Bakar (RA) after meeting with other Sahaba, chose Hazrat Umar (RA) to take charge as Khalifa after his passing away. Hence he became the 2nd Khalifa of Muslims.

Umar (RA) as Khalifa:

Each of the four Caliph is eminent for some achievement. Hazrat Umar (RA) is perceived for his control, organization and the victories that took place during his rule. During his rule, the Islamic empire extended to Persia, Rome and even brought Egypt under the Islamic flag. During his Khilafat, he brought reforms and worked widely on welfare. In late April 637, Jerusalem was officially surrendered to the Khalifa (Hazrat Umar, RA.). Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA) conquered 22, 00,000 square miles area during his reign.

Hazrat Umar (RA) established a different system:

1.   Establishment of Majlis-e-Shura.
2.   Divided a whole Islamic state into provinces.
3.   Establishment of a Bait-ul-Maal and building of mosques and schools in different parts of the              Islamic state. 
4.   Introduction of Islamic lunar calendar of Hijrah.
5.   Establishment of a proper judicial system.
6.   Establishment of the police station.
7.   Establishment of welfare homes and orphanages.

Once upon a time Hazrat Umar (RA) was patrolling at night, he listened to some crying noises that there some children were crying because they were hungry and their mother was saying that I am cooking some food in the pot but there was nothing. Hazrat Umar (RA) provided all necessary food items to the woman.

In 644 AD, Hazrat Umar (RA) was assassinated by a Persian slave, while he (RA) was offering his Salah in the mosque. Hazrat Umar (RA) ruled for 10 years and passed away at age of 63 on 26th of Dahul Hijjah.


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