4 Different Stages of Hajj & Umrah

The word Umrah is recognized from the Arabic word Al-Itimar which means “a visit”. Thus, a traveller visits the Holy Kaaba in order to perform one of the best acts of devotion “Umrah”. Umrah is identified as a smaller or minor pilgrimage that Muslims perform Umrah every time of year for the sake of God.

To perform Umrah it is necessary for every pilgrim to know about its steps and stages and must have at least basic knowledge so you cannot feel dependent when you are there. Now, there are many companies in the UK, London who provide Umrah Package. But you can select the Best Company who provides Best Umrah Package.

Here are the names of the Stages of Umrah:
3- Sa’i
4-Hair Cutting


Remember that the Umrah experience will change your life and its impact will last forever. The Initial stage of Umrah is Ihram. But before entering the state of Ihram you must have to cleanse himself. Take bath and ablution and prepare yourself spiritually and really so you can make it more productive.

Your meanings must be pure and just for the sake of God. When you start your Umrah journey you leave all your worldly works and family behind so try your best to make it an unforgettable. For your Information Ihram is also contains in the Hajj Packages 2021. Many companies provide Ihram in the Cheap Hajj Packages.

Ihram is two pieces of a white sheet that men pilgrims wear. One piece of sheet is used to cover the lower body while the other one is wrapped around the shoulder. An Umrah starts when a person reaches in the Ihram, even before entering in the Holy City of Makkah. The real Ihram is Niyyat and Talbiyah but the two sheets that a pilgrim’s wears are essential. If a pilgrim wears Ihram but does not announce his Niyyat and complete Talbiyah he does not transpire as Mahram.

Conditions of Ihram for men:
Ihram for men consists of two white, unsown sheets as we mention above. He has to wrap one piece called (Izar) round his midriff to cover his body from just above his navel to his ankles and the other one is draped around his shoulder to cover the upper body which is known as (Rida).

Conditions of Ihram for women:
Ihram for women is not specified she can use regular clothes because Women need more cloth to cover them. That’s why for the women it is not necessary to wear special cloth to entering in the state of Ihram. They can wear any cloth which can conceal and cover their body completely but leaving their face and hands exposed. But according to some authors gloves can be worn by women.


Click here for more details: https://www.labbaikhajjumrah.co.uk/what-is-tawaf-and-how-to-start-tawaf/

Tawaf is an important part of Hajj & Umrah. Tawaf is the most important piece of Hajj and Umrah. Tawaf includes seven times rounds around the Kaaba which the travellers perform during the Hajj and Umrah, in an anti-clockwise direction. Black Stone, a stone from Jannah is the starting point of Tawaf. Prayers of Tawaf are the next thing that should be known to pilgrims. There is no fixed prayer for Tawaf, following are some easy to memorize Dua for Tawaf:

“Subhan- Allah Wal- hamdu-lillahi wa la ilaha ill-Allah wa-Allahu Akbar wa la haula wa la quwwata illa- billah.”

If anyone not able to memorize the complete dua then just recite repeatedly the following:
“Subhan- Allah Wal- hamdu-lillahi wa la ilaha ill-Allah”

3- Sa’i

The next important stage of Umrah after the Tawaf is “Sa’i”. Sa’i between the mount Safa and Marwah. The custom of Sa’i is performed in the remembrance of Bibi Hajra (A.S) for Her son Ismail (A.S). The procedure of Sa’i consists of six steps Istilam of Hajra e Aswad, Sa’i at Safa, ascending, proceeding towards Marwah, going top of Marwah, End of Sa’i, two rakat Nafil. One has to complete all these steps to perform Sa’i. The very first step before starting Sa’i is to do Istilam of Hajra e Aswad again for the ninth time. After that one has to move towards Safa hill. When reach at Safa climb the hill and make Niyyat for Sa’i and recite the following:

“Inn-as-Safa wal Marwah min Sha’a’irillah”
At mount Safa hill one has to climb to the point where you can see Holy Kaaba. When reaching to that point then turn your face towards Kaaba and raise your hands in supplication. After completing this act come down from Safa hill and start moving towards Marwah and keep reciting this supplication or third Kalma. While moving when you reach to the point between two green pillars you have to make seven runs between Safa and Marwah.

The seven rounds are approx. 3.5 kilometres as Sa’i area is .5 approx. each round. Men have to run but women walk at their normal pace. The first round will end at Marwah when you reach on top of Marwah face the Kaaba and praise Allah Almighty and repeat the same supplications that were recited at Safa. With that first round is over, repeat the same and your second round will end in Safa and third on Marwah and complete the seven rounds similarly.

4-Hair Cutting

For Men:
The fourth stage of Umrah is haircut, shaving or clipping hairs. After completing Sa’i men should get their heads shaved as both are allowable but shaving is better. They have to completely shave or get their hair clipped to the length of the higher third of their finger or a little more.

For Women:
While the women allowed locking of their hair clipped. Women are strictly forbidden to shave their heads. After that one can remove its Ihram as your Umrah is performed with full rights and obligations. May Allah accept every prayer and wish of every Muslim during Umrah.

When you reach at Makkah for performing Umrah with the help of Cheap Umrah Packages 2023 but you can check that your Umrah Package containing all facilities that are required during the Umrah.


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