How to Manage life In Islam?

What is the purpose of life and living in this world is the question that each and every individual in this World must have been through once in his or her life? Why we were created as the superior creatures, what is the purpose of our lives and what we should do to live a proper life are the things one often thought about. 

The religion Islam is the response to human beings’ search for the meaning of these questions. The tenacity of life and creation for all men and women for all times has always been the one that is to know about the one Who has created all of us and to worship the Almighty.

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The Holy Book (Quran) preaches to us that every human being is created consciously to the one who created us. A number of verses are there in the Holy Quran giving us evidence about the birth and purpose of birth of human beings. 

Allah SWT said in the Holy Quran:

“(Remember) when your Lord haul out from the loins of Adam’s brood their descendants and made them testify (saying); ‘Am I not your Lord? They said; ‘Yes, we testify to it.’ This was in case you say on the Day of Judgement; ‘we were oblivious of this.’ Or you say; ‘it was our ancestors who worshiped other besides Allah and we are only their descendants. Will you then abolish us for what those deceivers did?”

Each and every person in this world has his or her own way of thinking and his own way to lead in his life. The schemas one follow in order to spend his or her life are heavily influenced by the religion he or she follows. Each religion has the different way to approach the purpose of life. Islam makes it clear that the purpose of the life is only to serve to the one who creates us. In Christianity, the purpose of life is rooted in faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ. However, the proposition is not without some troublesome issues.

Firstly, if the purpose of creation and the precondition for eternal life is to have faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ then why was it not taught by the Prophets and Messengers of Allah Almighty to all the nations of the world? Secondly had God turned into man closed to the time of Adam all mankind would have had an equal chance to perpetual life, those before the time of Jesus Christ had another purpose for their animation. Thirdly those people who have not heard or know about Jesus accomplished the Christian purpose of creation? Obviously, such kind of purpose and elaboration is too ambiguous and goes against divine justice.

The Prophet SAWW preaches to us that Allah SWT created this primeval prerequisite in human nature even at the time when Adam was created. Allah Almighty took a covenant with Adam when he was created. After the creation of Adam, the very first human being that had been created, Allah Almighty extracted all of Adam’s progenies who were yet to be born, generation after generation and then took a promise from them. 

The Lord had addressed the souls of the progenies in a direct manner and made them bear witness that He is the sole one who is their Lord and He is the one who must be worshipped by all the mankind born from this time until the Day of Judgement.  As the God had already taken a promise from Adam and the descendants of Adam of His mightiness and greatness, this covenant is imprinted on the human soul even before it enters the fetus, and so a child is born with a natural dogma in inside his conscience in the oneness of Allah SWT. This firm believes in the oneness of Allah is referred to as Fitra in Arabic.
As Prophet Muhammad SAWW said:

“Each child is born in a condition of ‘Fitra’ but his parents make him a Jew or a Christian. It is like the way an animal gives birth to a normal offspring. Have you noticed any young born disfigured before you disfigure them?”

In the light of this Hadith it is confirmed that whether a child heart is cleaned and is only filled by Fitra, his soul submits naturally to the fact that Allah Almighty is his Lord and the only creator. However the child is not able to go against the religion followed by his parents and ancestors and the religion that the child follows at the stage is one of customs and upbringing, so the Lord does not hold it to account for this religion. However, when the child leaves his adolescence and becomes an adult the child should follow the one religion that endeavors true knowledge and is rational.
Prophet SAWW and the other 1, 23,999 Prophets sent by the Allah came again and again with the same message saying;

“Indeed, we have sent a Messenger to every nation (saying), ‘Worship God and avoid false gods.’”

The purpose of life is sure to worship God but what does the worship mean? In Islam worship means “the obedient submission to the will of God” which means to do what you have permitted to do and to step down from the forbidden action. Consequently, obedience to the divine law is intrinsic of worship. 
Allah SWT says in the holy book Quran:

“To Him belongs whose over is in the ecstasy’s and the earth, all obey His will”

When human beings worship their Lord by submitting to His religious law is the only condition when the humans can have harmony and peace in their lives. It not only brings peace in one’s life but also the hope that if he is doing in accordance to the laws made by the Allah Almighty he will be sent to heaven and rewarded with the reward that his Lord promised and the hope that if someone is unjust to him he will be questioned by the Supreme Authority. Hope is the weapon that can be used to shelter ourselves either in peace or war. When one eliminates the element of hope of heaven from his life he actually eliminates the ultimate goal and purpose of life.  If the hope is eliminated from the life it will not make a difference to a person whether he will live as a sinner or a worshiper.

Labbaik Hajj Umrah is an approved Hajj and Umrah company, situated in the UK and offers a range of Umrah Package, Ramadan Umrah Packages, and Hajj Packages.


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