Things to Purchase after Hajj and Umrah

What is Umrah?

Umrah is the voyage for most noteworthy satisfaction and delight for a traveller himself and also for the person who the traveller abandoned. Being on this hallowed trip is respect by the Almighty and one should feel extremely esteemed for being the visitor of Allah.
On returning to the homeland after performing Umrah or Hajj, it is a very usual practice done by the pilgrims to bring presents for the family, neighbours, relatives and the close ones. There are many companies in the UK, London who are giving you Umrah Package but you select the best company who gives you Best Umrah Packages with Food, Hotels in Makkah and Madinah, Flights, Visa and Private Transport.

Even the small gifts are admired by the receiver because they belong to the holy land and are kept as a symbol of respect and prestige by the receiver. There are some of the items a pilgrim should buy for himself as well as for giving in prea sent to the close ones that are beneficial and presentable at the same time and for sure will be admired by others.

Ajwa dates:

Ajwa is the only form of dates that was planted by Prophet Muhammad SAWW himself.  So the blessings and benefits of this date are countless because the plant of it has the honour to be touched by the holiest hands in the world. These dates are not only good for health and have unlimited benefits but they are also an amazing gift to be taken with you to your homeland. Usually, almost all of the pilgrims bring dates to their homes and Ajwa dates are taken for the special ones because they are a bit high in price than the other dates. Dates are gifted or served at the time when the people come to meet the one who was on to the holy land for the performance of Umrah.

ZamZam water:

Not only the dates but also the ZamZam water is served or given as a present to the close ones. ZamZam water is miraculous water so the benefits of it cannot be denied.  Other than Muslims’ point of view, the water of ZamZam well has been proved beneficiary for health scientifically. The water of ZamZam is taken in cans and bottles by all of the pilgrims who visit Masjid al Haram for Umrah.

Nabi Boti:

Boti is an Arabic word which means "herb” in English. Herbs are healthy in all ways and had been used for a very long time for the cure of diseases. Even in today’s advanced world, many of the diseases have been treated by using herbs. It is a herb that can be found in Madinah and is best for the people who have difficulty in having a child. The herb has been known as “Nabi Boti” because it was plucked by the ground by Prophet Muhammad SAWW himself when a person consults him and requested him to give him a child. A Wahi was descended at that time to pluck the herb. Prophet Muhammad SAWW gives it to the person and he was able to have a child. The herb is best to bring for the couples facing issues of infertility.

Sugar Boti:

The names of these herbs are very much in accordance to their functioning as the Sugar Boti is relevant for the people having diabetes. Diabetes is a disease with issues in pancreas that shut to produce bodily insulin necessary for receiving sweetness in nutrition. It can aid to control the sugar level in the body.

Maryam Boti:

This herb is best to be gifted to pregnant ladies because it is a herbal that can aid a lady to overcome the labor pains during the delivery of child and also managing and speeding up the labor process.


If we say Itar the present of the Saudi Kingdom then it would not be wrong because the Itar available in Madinah and Makkah are special in their fragrance. Being the House of Almighty, the cities sell Itar that are non- alcoholic. They are less expensive and last for hours because of their strong smell. You can give it to a male family member as a beautiful present.

Other Items:

Other items that should be brought home as present include:
2- Jewelry, 
3- Amber, 
4- Stones including the precious one, 
5- Sandalwood, 
6- Miswaak (teeth cleanser herb)
accessories, rosaries made with silver, nuts, and many other similar things.

Only for your information, many companies give you bad flights who allow only 23 kg weight to be lifted in the Umrah Package 2022. So, i suggest when you book umrah package so you should tell travel agent to book such airline through which more 30 kgs could be lifted.


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