Did You Know? Story Of Battle Of Badr.

The Battle Of Badr Is

The Day Of Truth And Falsehood

The Battle of Badr, fought on Tuesday, 13 March 624 CE (17 Ramadan, 2 AH in the Islamic calendar) in the Hejaz region of western Arabia (present-day Saudi Arabia), was a key battle in the early days of Islam and a turning point in Muhammad's (PBUH) struggle with his opponents among the Quraish in Mecca. The battle has been passed down in Islamic history as a decisive victory attributable to divine intervention, or by secular sources to the strategic genius of Muhammad (PBUH). Muslims who go for Hajj or Umrah through Hajj and Umrah Packages 2024 must visit this historical place as these sacred place strengthen the faith of Muslims.
  • Do you know that the Battle of Badr Is the First War Of Muslims? Muhammad was born in Makkah around 570 CE into the Quraysh tribe. After Mohammed's revelation from Gabriel in 610 until his declaration of monotheism to the Quraysh Islam was practised primarily in secret.
  • Firstly, to establish peace with the tribes surrounding Madina, mostly with them from whom the Meccans could derive most advantage against the Muslims.
  • Secondly, to dispatch small groups to obtain intelligence on the Quraysh and their allies and also provide, thereby, an opportunity for those Muslims still living in Mecca to leave with them.
  • Thirdly, to intercept the trade caravans of the Meccans that passed close to Medina and to obstruct their trade route.
  • Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) forces Companions Abu Bakr (R.A), Umar (R.A), Ali (R.A), Hamza (R.A) and Abu Dharr al-Ghifari (R.A). The Muslims brought seventy camels and two horses, its means that perfect three to four men per camel.
  • The future Caliph Uthman stayed behind to care for his sick wife Ruqayyah, the daughter of Muhammad.
  • When you are going to Umrah so you visit this place and pray for the Muslims which died in this battle.If you find the best travel company so you suggest the Umrah Packages All Inclusive. In this way, you get the best travel agent. 

The Battle Of Badr Is

First War Of Muslims

  •  Do you Know That The Battle Of Badr Is The Day Of Truth and Falsehood? When the word reached the Muslim army about the departure of the Meccan army, Muhammad immediately called a council of war, since there was still time to retreat and because many of the fighters there were recent converts (called Ansar or "Helpers" to distinguish them from the Qureshi Muslims), who had only pledged to defend Medina.
  • Under the terms of the Constitution of Medina, they would have been within their rights to refuse to fight and leave the army.
  • However, according to tradition, they pledged to fight as well, with Saad ibn Ubadah proclaiming, "If you [Muhammad] order us to plunge our horses into the sea, we would do so. So, the Muslims continued to march towards Badr.
  • By 11 March both armies were about a day's march from Badr. Expecting them to say they were with the caravan, the Muslims were horrified to hear them say they were with the main Qureshi army.
  • Template: Wrong number in source Some traditions also say that, upon hearing the names of all the Qureshi nobles accompanying the army, Muhammad exclaimed "Mecca hath thrown unto you the best morsels of her liver.
  • The Badr wells were located on the gentle slope of the eastern side of a valley called "Yalyal". The western side of the valley was placed by a large hill which is known as 'Aqanqal.
  • When the Muslim army arrived from the east, Muhammad initially chose to form his army at the first well he encountered. Hubab ibn al-Mundhir asked him if this choice was a divine instruction or Muhammad's own opinion.
  • When Muhammad responded in the latter, Hubab suggested that the Muslims occupy the well closest to the Qureshi army, and block off the other ones. Muhammad accepted this decision and moved right away.
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17 Ramadan The Day 

Of Battle Of Badr

  • Do You Know That The First Day Battle Of Badr? At the midnight, the Quraysh broke camp and marched into the valley of Badr. It had rained the previous day and they struggled to move their horses and camels up the hill of 'Aqanqal.
  • After they descended from 'Aqanqal, the Meccans set up another camp inside the valley. While they rested, they sent out a scout, Umair ibn Wahab to reconnoitre the Muslim lines.
  • Umair reported that Muhammad's army was small and that there were no other Muslim reinforcements which might join the battle.
  • The Meccans, understrength and unenthusiastic about fighting, promptly broke and ran. The battle itself only lasted a few hours and was over by the early afternoon.
  • The Quran describes the force of the Muslim attack in many verses, which refer to thousands of angels descending from Heaven at Badr to terrify the Quraysh.
  • Muslim sources take this account literally, and there are several hadith where Muhammad discusses the Angel Jib reel and the role he played in the battle.
Note: This article about the first war between the Muslims and the Non-Muslims.When you go to Makkah for doing Umrah with Umrah Packages. So you also visit this place.


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