Necessary Requirements For Umrah Visa
1. A unique report of Umrah Visa application must be finished and submitted. The announcements towards the finish of the application shape must be cautiously contemplated and marked. In the event that visa application reports are required by post, at that point send a significant envelope routed to your nearest Saudi Consulate. 2. Umrah visa which is a necessary part of Umrah tavel Package 2024 is valid for 30 to 90 days only. Within these 90 days, you should perform Umrah, making sure your departure from Saudi Arabia is within 3 months period. 3. In the event that a Muslim is bearing a non-Muslim name, at that point, he or she should exhibit a certificate issued by an Islamic Center or a Mosque expressing the hopeful is Muslim. 4. Every candidate is required to attach one recent coloured passport sized photograph of a white background with the application form. The photograph must be a full-face view in which the candidate is confronting the camera. Angles or side ...