Important Rites of Umrah And Hajj

Lots of custom and Mustahab acts for "Hajj" and "Umrah" has been specified in the expressions of incredible Faqihs (Allah's paradise be upon them) and we have brought a significant piece of them here. Yet, it is smarter to perform them with the goal of "Raja'", which implies seeking after the integrity of the demonstration according to religion and having advantages and favors, since some of them don't have enough verification (and we don't consider the guideline of tolerance correct in the evidence of customs and Mustahab acts).

Important Issues That May Happen in Hajj and Umrah

1- Using roofed vehicles in the state of Ihram in the nights or from dawn until sunrise or completely cloudy days that shade has no use for protection from sunlight or rain, is permitted.

2- It is not necessary that Tawaf is performed in the distance between Maqam of Ibrahim and the house of Ka’ba (about 13 meters); Tawaf is permitted in all of Masjid al-Haraam (especially at the time of congestion of the crowd) but it is better not to exceed from the aforesaid distance if it is possible.

3- It is not necessary that left shoulder remains parallel to the house of Ka’ba all the time, but it is enough to circumambulate Ka’ba in a normal manner.

4- When there are lots of people performing Tawaf in the way that the crowd pushes the person forward by force it does not harm Tawaf, and it is enough to make the intention from the beginning that he/she goes among people for performing Tawaf.

5- The place for performing the prayer of obligatory Tawaf is behind Maqam of Ibrahim, but it can be performed more distant from there if the crowds are so much congested; the pilgrim should not insist on performing the prayer behind Maqam, especially when performers of Tawaf are so much that they reach behind Maqam of Ibrahim and some acts that others perform and disturb performers of Tawaf are not correct (but the prayer of Mustahab Tawaf can be performed anywhere in Masjid al-Haram).Now a Days Umrah Package is Cheap and with Discount, you can perform these Rituals easily.

Another vital point is that performing some of those Mustahab demonstrations today, with swarm blockage, is incomprehensible for some individuals. Consequently, they can offer those activities which are conceivable, and if the Hajji needs to perform a demonstration which is hard to perform yet have an expectation of offering that, Allah will give him/her the reward as per his/her aim as it has been said in hadeeth of Ma'soomin (a.s.).

It is Mustahab for a man who means to go to Mecca or different spots to approach Allah for integrity of the travel and set up his/her will and pay charity so as to purchase his/her wellbeing with that contributions and it is Mustahab to perform four Rak'ats prayer in the home when he/she is getting ready for travel and presents Hamd and "قل هو الله" Suras in each Rak'at and discuss;

اللَّهُمَّ إنّی أتَقَرَّبُ إلَیْکَ بهِنَّ، فَاجْعَلْهُنَّ خَلیفَتی فی أهْلِی وَ مَالی .

What's more, it is Mustahab to remain at the entryway of his/her home and present Hamd Sura three times in front, right side and left side additionally Ayat al-Kursi (verse 255 of Baqara Sura) three times similarly and says after that:

اَللَّهُمَّ احفَظْنى وَ احْفَظْ مَا مَعىَ وَ سَلِّمْنی وَ سَلِّم مَا مَعِىَ وَ بَلِّغْنی وَ بَلِّغْ مَا مَعِىَ ببَلاغِکَ الحَسَنِ الجَمیلِ

Umrah is a devoted journey and every Muslim should perform it. People who have strength and finance to perform Umrah should not waste their time as there are many companies who gave Umrah Packages according to the customer’s budget which make it easy for the Muslims to travel for Umrah.


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